
SharedData Property


set the sharedData of
<bitmap | dataSheet | field | palette | pickList> to <boolean> Applies to bitmaps, datasheets, fields, palettes, picklists


The sharedData property applies only to objects residing on the background. If the sharedData property of an object is true, any data contained in the background object appears on every card sharing that same background. If the sharedData property of an object is false, the data contained in the object is unique to every card sharing the background. The default value of sharedData is true.


Use caution when toggling sharedData on and off. If sharedData is set to false and you are displaying unique data on each card using a shared background object, and you then turn sharedData on, you will lose data on all cards except the current card.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.